
Inspiration and interesting facts about the power of nature in the spas and health resorts of Baden-Württemberg. A magazine for all those seeking relaxation and nature lovers, for wellness enthusiasts and outdoor people.
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The power of nature

Water, earth, air

With the help of these three elements, you will find deep relaxation and recuperation for body, mind and soul in the spas and health resorts of Baden-Württemberg.
We'll show you what Baden-Württemberg has to offer and how you can use the power of nature for your relaxation.

Whatever you need to clear your head - relaxation or activity, wellness or action - you'll find it in the spas and health resorts of Baden-Württemberg.

Look forward to inspiring excursion destinations, informative articles and useful tips. We will inform you about new articles on social media so that you are always up to date.


Entstehung von Mineralwasser

Natürliches Mineralwasser ist mehr als nur Wasser. Es ist reinstes Trinkwasser, welches durch Regenwasser und einen langen natürlichen Weg entsteht. Doch wie genau entsteht dieses besondere Wasser, das uns erfrischt und gleichzeitig mit wertvollen Mineralstoffen versorgt? Der Ursprung liegt in einem langen, faszinierenden und individuellen Prozess, der unter der Erde stattfindet. Wie entsteht Mineralwasser? Alles […]
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Kulturelles Erbe – Badekultur der Römer in Baden-Württemberg

Bereits die alten Kelten nutzten die göttliche und heilende Kraft des warmen Wassers. Die Römer die etwa 70 vor Christus das Gebiet des heutigen Baden-Württembergs besetzten, nutzten nicht nur die Thermalquellen der Kelten, sondern übernahmen sogar ihre Götter und machten sie einfach zu den Gefährten ihrer eigenen. Doch für die Römer waren die Thermalquellen keine […]
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Soothing air as a remedy

The climate has always had a major influence on our well-being. Relaxation is best achieved in an environment with balanced temperatures and constant humidity. Recovery processes are also accelerated under the right climatic conditions. The so-called “healing climate”, including the pure air, is natural and free from harmful environmental influences. As the name suggests, it can [...]
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Nature as therapy - in the Schömberg spa and healing forest

Schömberg is a “premium class” climatic health resort with a long tradition of curing respiratory diseases. With three clinics, 70% forest cover and an optimal topographical location, Schömberg offers particularly good, oxygen-rich and low-irritant air - ideal conditions for the health-promoting effects of the forest. The spa and healing forest is open to all tourists, citizens, clinic patients [...]
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Journey of discovery to the Volzem stones in the Dobel

The Volzemer Steine are a geological highlight and fascinating natural monument in the northern Black Forest. The stones, a sea of rocks on the Dobel, are also known as the “Champagne Stones”. They can be reached via various hiking trails such as the Engel-Weg-Dobel, the Waldhistorischer Erlebnisweg, Annis-Abenteuerweg and the Westweg. For those who would like to delve deeper into the subject of “stones and geology”, [...]
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Forest. Source of water: on the waterfall trail in Bad Urach

The forest is the source of water and a symbol of life. The best way to follow the path of water is on one of the five premium hiking trails around Bad Urach: the waterfall trail. The trail leads to the source of the water, the Bad Urach waterfall. It also offers a magnificent view from the slide rock and leads past another impressive [...]
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Kneipp as a remedy

One of the best-known water treatments is the Kneipp cure. As early as the 19th century, the priest Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897) recognized that walking in ice-cold water activates the body's self-healing powers and thus strengthens the immune system. Nowadays, the state-approved Kneipp spas offer a variety of treatments, including cold and hot showers, contrast baths, ablutions, dew walking and treading water. The focus of Kneipp today is also on mental balance, herbal treatments, exercise stimulation and an optimized diet. Indications: Where can Kneipp [...]
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Moor phenomenon: wobbly forest in Bad Buchau

A special moor phenomenon on the outskirts of Bad Buchau is the so-called Wackelwald. It is a special excursion destination for the whole family and is open to all interested visitors. Where does the name "wobbly forest" come from? Quite simply, the trees in the forest stand on boggy ground created by the silting up of the post-glacial Lake Federsee. Between the roots [...]
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Water as a remedy

In medicine, water has long been known as a natural remedy. Even the Romans built magnificent baths in which fresh spring or thermal water was used to strengthen the body and mind. Today, spas and health resorts use the effects of water in different ways. Indications: What can water help with? Forms of application Types of water Mineral thermal water Thermal water is characterized by a high [...]
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Pilates, wellness, nature - a spring day in Bad Mergentheim

For our excursion tips on Instagram and TikTok, we check out spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg every month - most recently we went to Bad Mergentheim an der Tauber, in the north of Baden-Württemberg, for a day. We'll take you with us on our day there too! First stop: Pilates Our day in Bad Mergentheim started with exercise and a pinch of [...]
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Fasting on Lake Constance - Überlingen's path to recovery

The days are getting longer, nature is blossoming. For many people, this marks the beginning of a time of transformation: Lent. Conscious renunciation not only marks a phase of purification and reflection in the ecclesiastical sense, but has also developed into a modern lifestyle that brings body and mind into harmony and inspires a new attitude to life. In [...]
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Terpenes - the secret ingredient of the forest

A visit to the forest means one thing in particular: taking a deep breath. Why do we actually find the forest air particularly refreshing? Researchers have found out: The pleasant feeling of calm that makes every visit to the forest so valuable for us is not purely subjective. Moss, ferns, conifers, flowers and many more of the plants there give off scents, so-called "terpenes", which [...]
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Breathe, relax, heal: The Neubulach Healing Gallery

Neubulach, surrounded by the picturesque hills of the northern Black Forest, hides a little secret that captivates many: The Neubulach Healing Gallery - a place where history meets nature and a therapeutic masterpiece is created. The magic of the gallery The microclimate in the Neubulach Healing Gallery is a true therapeutic miracle. With constantly cool temperatures [...]
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Spas and trails

Wellness meets adventure in Baden-Württemberg! Can you think of anything better than relaxing your muscles in the sauna and thermal water after a long hike? Maybe not even a little massage? Nothing could be easier - Baden-Württemberg is teeming with great hiking regions and fantastic spas! Pack your swimsuit in your hiking rucksack and [...]
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Allergy break in a healing climate - breathe easy with less pollen

Constant sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes - just some of the annoying symptoms that plague pollen allergy sufferers from spring to fall. Almost one in five Germans suffers from a pollen allergy, and the number is constantly rising. Many allergy sufferers seek relaxation by the sea or in the high mountains during their vacation. But Baden-Württemberg also offers excellent destinations for day trips [...]
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Healing climate against winter blues

Climatic health resorts are characterized by definition as therapeutically effective - through various climatic stimuli. We have already explained this in more detail in our article on healing climates. But how can it affect our mental well-being? Good mood booster light The light intensity is more intense in a healing climate and therefore helps to increase the good mood level. As the [...]
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In conversation with biathlon gold medal winner Anja Wicker

Anja Wicker has a clear focus - even when it comes to regeneration. The Paralympics winner likes to relax in spas. Born in Stuttgart in 1991, the biathlete started cross-country skiing at the age of 13 and has been competing in cross-country skiing and biathlon since 2006. In addition to many other successes, she won gold in the 10 km biathlon distance in Sotchi in 2014 and became world champion in 2017 [...]
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From boxing champ to sauna chef - Toni Sabery

Tohid "Toni" Sabery no longer heats up opponents, but guests: Swinging the towel instead of throwing in the towel. In the 66 boxing matches he has won, he has never thrown in the towel. And even now he only swings it elegantly to spread the fizzing infusion throughout the room. Beforehand, "Toni" Sabery welcomes his guests with a short speech: "Welcome [...]
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Natural biohacking - made in Bad Dürrheim

Breathing health, resilience and burn-out prevention are particular strengths of the health town in the Southern Black Forest Nature Park. Biohacking inspires people here to strengthen their own potential in a very individual way - preferably as a preventative measure. In the term biohacking, "bio" stands for biology and "hacking" for clever, creative tinkering and self-optimization of one's own biology. The motivation behind biohacking is to get the best out of your body [...]
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Soothing earth: Expedition to the moor

Fascinating excursion destination, catalyst for children's fantasies and natural remedy. A visit to the peat spas in Baden-Württemberg is always worthwhile - as a nature experience, family outing or wellness trip. Beneficial effects A bathtub full of moorland doesn't look very inviting at first, but it feels all the better. The composition of thermal water with the valuable contents of the peat alone ensures [...]
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Drinking fountain tour through Stuttgart

Stuttgart is Germany's mineral water capital! There are a total of 19 publicly accessible drinking fountains, which are fed by various springs. Because the springs run through different layers of rock and are enriched with different minerals, no two taste the same. A good opportunity to sharpen your senses on a mineral water tasting tour! On the road with Dominik Kuhn Dominik "Dodokay" Kuhn is a producer, [...]
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19 dream tours in Baden-Württemberg

From short circular trails to stage tours, from contemplation trails to adventure trails: the spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg turn nature into an experience. Here you will find 19 special strolling, walking and hiking trails in the countryside: 01 Bad Bellingen: Short distance, intense experience - the 800 m long barefoot path in the spa gardens 02 Bad Liebenzell: Immerse yourself in a medieval [...]
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Forest bathing - mindfulness in the countryside

Rustling trees, fragrant wood, singing birds, babbling brooks. Even the poets and thinkers of the Romantic period fled from the industrialized cities into the dense green of the fir trees to rediscover their lost unity with nature. In the meantime, science has discovered that the forest not only heals the soul, but also the body. The most natural sedative in the world In everyday life [...]
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Kneipp - relaxation for body, mind and soul

Anyone who only associates Kneipp with an outdated healing method that has "something to do with water" is wrong: old yes, outdated no! Last year we celebrated the 200th birthday of Sebastian Kneipp, but his philosophies are still highly topical. Kneipp is experiencing a renaissance - because people are returning to naturalness, reduction and [...]
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Healing climate - much more than just good air!

Don't misunderstand - good air is a core quality of climatic health resorts and often the number one reason for a visit! Little air pollution, little fine dust, little pollen and allergens in general. A paradise, especially for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. And although high air quality must always be a given, it is only one factor of many for the title of "climatic health resort".
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Cross-country skiing in Baden-Württemberg: Where the air is the cleanest

At the latest when the snow shines brighter than the sun, it's time for many Baden-Württemberg residents and visitors to hit the trails! Cross-country skiing is becoming increasingly popular, and not just here - and no wonder. Unlike many other winter sports, cross-country skiing allows you to really soak up, enjoy and discover nature in peace. Time spent in the fresh air [...]
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